Sunday 20 May 2012

Getting Rid of Orange Juice Stains From Your Carpet

It is almost impossible to make a list of U.S.A's favorite beverages without naming orange juice in the first five. Orange juice is one of the most delicious, most nourishing and most refreshing drinks you may ever come across. This is because the orange provides consumers with loads of vitamin C that are really good for human health. With the daily increased rate of the consumption of orange juice, it is but normal to consider that the health benefits of orange juice are known by many people across the globe. Despite all the virtues of the orange juice to the human system, accidents during handling are generally bound to occur. Juice could get spilled on the floor, the table or in the worst case scenario on your carpet.

Needless to say an orange stain is a pain in the neck. It is not easy to get rid of such spills as they leave quite difficult stains that need careful handling, preferably by a professional. Orange juice can be very unsightly and difficult to remove when it lands on a carpet that has a light color. However, there are certain tips any one can use to immediately treat a carpet that has been stained by orange juice.

To begin, you would want to get rid of the excess orange juice that may have set into the fabrics of the carpet. This first step will keep the spill from sinking deeper into the fabrics of the carpet and causing any unpleasant odor. To soak out this juice, you would need to make use of paper towel or a neat piece of cloth to blot it out. If you waste any time before applying this tip, the spill will soak deep into the carpet fabrics and this would make it more difficult to clean the carpet.

Secondly, after blotting out all excess juice from the area of the carpet that was spilled, you will then get a carpet cleaning product that you like. The cleaning chemical will be used to get rid of the stain that has probably set in on the surface of the carpet. Needless to say the market is jam-packed with carpet cleaning products that you may make a choice from. Commercial cleaning products are found in stores and are easily affordable. The only precaution for you to take would be to ensure that you are choosing a product that works positively on your type of carpet. This should help prevent carpet damage and potential accidents during the cleaning process.

To add, you would want to spray the cleaning product on the area that has the stain and then use the aforementioned paper towel or cloth to blot out the stain. It is totally forbidden to rub the area affected by the stain as this will spread the stain on the carpet. Simply do a neat blotting job starting from the outside going towards the inside.

Furthermore, you would want to do this move as many times as possible until the spill is completely removed. This method actually takes some patience as the first cleaning will not completely get rid of the stain. You simply have to repeat the earlier steps to get better results or until you see that every inch of the stained area is clean.

Last but not least, you should end the session by rinsing the area with some clear water. This last step prevents the accumulation of residue and the attraction of other dirt particles onto the carpet.

Indeed, one is no longer obliged to be strained by orange juice spills as in days past. The steps listed and explained in this article should make it very easy to get rid of an orange juice stain on your carpet.

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